Beleg met impact in beursgenoteerde aandelen
November 2018 - A practical guide to get started with building an impactful public equities portfolio
When investing in public equities, we often choose to invest in funds. There is a growing number of impact funds. However, the degree to which these funds can really make a positive impact, may differ significantly. The main question is: what makes one public equity investment more or less impactful than another?
To answer this question, we focus on two aspects:
Determine which stock selection method best matches your impact ambitions (enterprise impact);
Decide on how you intend to use your rights and position of ownership (investor impact).
Eurosif Newsflash - European HNWI Study 2012 Press Release
7 November 2012, Brussels - EUROSIF , the European Sustainable Investment Forum, today releases its 3rd study on High Net Worth Individuals and Sustainable Investment, created with the support of Bank Sarasin. The study shows that Wealthy Europeans are Deepening and Expanding their Commitment to Sustainable Investments and Impact Investing. Sustainable investments by European HNWIs has increased by nearly 60% over the past two years, compared to an 18% increase in overall European HNWI wealth over the same period. Sustainable investments rose to € 1.15 trillion compared to € 729 billion in 2009, reflecting persistent demand even in volatile markets.
Evolving markets: what’s driving ESG in emerging economies?
This 2012 emerging markets report is a follow-up to the previous report carried out in 20091 by the Emerging Markets Disclosure Project (EMDP). The aim of this 2012 report is to survey global investors to assess what changes, if any, there have been in the level of investment in emerging markets and in those ESG issues that interest responsible investors the most.
The Impact of a Corporate Culture of Sustainability on Corporate Behavior and Performance - Harvard Business School
We investigate the effect of a corporate culture of sustainability on multiple facets of corporate behavior and performance outcomes. Using a matched sample of 180 companies, we find that corporations that voluntarily adopted environmental and social policies by 1993 - termed as High Sustainability companies - exhibit fundamentally different characteristics from a matched sample of firms that adopted almost none of these policies - termed as Low Sustainability companies.
RCM Sustainability White Paper
This paper aims to to prove one way or the other whether and to what degree investor wealth is impacted by applying ESG filters to portfolios. To do so, RCM sourced global data from what it deemed as one of the most consistent and comprehensive providers of corporate ESG information and then refined the data using in-house ESG resources so a meaningful and quantifiable result could be obtained.
Mercer - Shedding Light on Responsible Investment
This report presents a summary of some of the new academic studies released since the 2007 AMWG UNEP FI/Mercer joint report. We have reviewed 16 academic studies that focus on the link between E, S or G factors and firm or portfolio performance.
SAM - Alpha from Sustainability
What is the added value of integrating sustainability criteria into traditional financial valuation models? Can financial performance be enhanced by investing in sustainable companies? These are the questions to be answered in this white paper. It starts by briefly introducing SAM's research philosophy and assessment process before presenÂting the results of our latest empirical study, carried out by Robeco's Quantitative Strategies Department.